The stations that linked to your account are listed here. If the stations are divided into virtual fields on solarify, you can see them listed by clicking on the green button next to the station name and you can reach the page where their technical information is written.
a) Add Station
Click the button to add a new station to the system and fill in the next form.
After the fields are filled, if the established station is virtual, the virtual station button is clicked, the necessary information is entered, and the station is created when the continue button is clicked.
Note: For more convenient management in large scale stations, we can divide the stations into virtual stations on Solarify. In this way, monitoring and analysis can be done on smaller scales.
Note: The terms you choose from here allow you to see the temperature, radiation and produced energy data on the virtual station's overview screen. It must be entered correctly.
By clicking on the created station, you can go to the station settings.