
It is an overview screen of the station settings clicked from the station list. From here, technical information and subfields are displayed. Technical information can be edited or deleted from the station system.


a) Edit

It is used to update the technical information of the station.


  • It is mandatory to enter the data with *.
  • Energy term, temperature term, radiation term: The terms created on the term screen are listed here. The terms you select from here allow you to see temperature, radiation and produced energy data on the overview screen.

b) Delete

Button that allows you to delete the station.

Warning: in case of station deletion, all information related to it, devices are deleted. Only the admin has the right to do this.

c) Technical Information

  • Latitude-Longitude: It allows us to see the location from the map on the right side with latitude-longitude information. Sunrise and sunset times that we use in alarms are calculated according to this information.
  • The system information includes the start date of the site and the last data, that is the date time of the last data from any of the registered dataloggers.

d) Substations

It automatically pulls the substaton information according to the data entered on the substation screen.